Leadership and Motivation Skills

  • Course Type: Digital Live Remote Training
  • Duration: Digital Live Intensive Two-day Course
Enquiries: On request

Leadership and Motivation Skills

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The current workplace demands that we achieve more with fewer resources. Recent research shows that engaged employees are 25% more productive than their un-engaged counterparts.  Managers and leaders need to find ways to increase this engagement and extend it across a larger number of employees. Findings from the Ken Blanchard leadership centre shows on average only 36% of employees are fully engaged. Imagine the productivity boost that would be unleashed if you can extent this to 60% or even 80%? The challenge is finding ways to motivate your people.

This Leadership and Motivation intensive  programme has been specifically designed to draw on best practice and emerging research around the area of leadership and motivation skills. This engaging two-day programme will provide you with the skills and knowledge required to really make a difference in your leadership abilities. Focused on practical real word techniques the two days will provide you with a toolbox for leading and motivating staff.

Day one of the programme will focus on leadership. We will examine what real world successful leaders do and how they do it. We will explore you leadership style and impact and provide you with the skills to adapt your style to given situations to be more successful.

Day two of the programme will introduce the concept of motivation and engagement. Being a leader means you have followers. Are your followers following because they HAVE to or because they WANT to?  On day two we will focus on understanding motivation, how people are motivated, what you can do to provide a motivational environment and how you can encourage people to be more engaged.

There is a heavy focus on practical exercises and personal feedback. Participants will build on their leadership skills by completing exercises in engagement and motivation. Through a process of experience and feedback each individual will have the opportunity to apply a range of techniques to explore what works and how to adapt for success.

At the end of day two each participant will again have to publicly commit to a specific development action (based on their unique challenge / opportunity).



On completion of this course you will understand:

  • What leadership is and what management is, and how they differ
  • What famous leaders have in common, understand famous leaders and their way of leading
  • Examining your own leadership style and impact
  • Focussing on different styles of leading including Hersey and Blanchard’s four leadership styles
  • How to assess a situation and adapt your style for success
  • How all leaders adopt MBO (management by objectives) and how leaders focus on objectives that improve the business through people
  • How leaders resist inertia and are implementers of change
  • How to identifying your leadership journey and application
  • What are the main de-motivators in a work environment and their effect

  • Understanding the barriers and challenges and how to remove the barriers and overcome the challenges
  • What motivates most people and why - the psychology of motivation
  • Human response to motivation and situations - theories of motivation
  • How you design motivation into work activities
  • How you behave to motivate people - the supreme method of motivating most people, how to motivate people at work and day to day motivation
  • Goal setting and performance management - feedback and reviews, the negative effects of criticism
  • The relationship between motivation and engagement

Who should attend?

  • This programme is designed for managers who need to differentiate between managing and leading and who need to get to know how to motivate staff with different needs and increase engagement across the business.
  • Senior managers who wish to take their management abilities to the next level by developing their leadership and motivational skills.