Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

  • Course Type: Digital Live Interactive Training
  • Duration: 1 Day or 2 x Half-days
  • Course Fees: Available on demand
Enquiries: training@highperformance.ie

Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

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Course Description

Diversity and Inclusion is an interactive course that explores how to build a high performing culture that embeds diversity and inclusion. The programme is highly interactive and provides a toolkit for application with a set of proven techniques for higher performance through diversity and inclusion.

The participants explore all areas of diversity including mindsets, beliefs, behaviours, values and the nine areas of discrimination (race, gender, sexual orientation etc.). The workshop will identify both conscious and unconscious bias (using Harvard Implicit Association Tests).

The programme will use the DISC Workplace measurement tool to help participants understand their behavioural styles and how to embed inclusion by understanding others and how to adapt.

Participants will also receive a toolkit for developing high performance within the team. This will include the template for defining and building an agreed team charter. The team charter will define ideal behaviours of a high performing team which each individual and held accountable for.


On completion of this course you will:

  • Define the importance of Diversity and Inclusion including the nine grounds of discrimination
  • Understand the business case for Diversity and Inclusion
  • Identify and understand conscious and unconscious bias
  • Apply diversity and Inclusion to problem solving, decision making and innovation
  • Understand how others interpret their behaviour and the impact of their behaviour
  • Diagnose other people and their DiSC style based on observable behaviours
  • Develop strategies for better interaction with different DiSC styles

Who should attend?

  • This course is for those who want to better the behaviour of themselves and others in relation to bias and discrimination.
  • Anyone looking to develop a culture of inclusion and diversity within the workplace