Negotiation Skills: Benchmark Negotiation Skills

  • Course Type: Digital Live Interactive Training
  • Duration: 4 x Half-days
  • Course Fees: Available on request

Negotiation Skills: Benchmark Negotiation Skills

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Course Outline

This highly interactive programme will help individuals identify, through proven techniques, in the most effective way to reach the desired outcome during negotiations. The course opens up by understanding what negotiation is and the different parties associated with negotiations. Participants will learn how to apply the pins model (position-interests-needs-strategy) in everyday negotiation situations. Participants will learn how to prepare effectively for negotiation by identifying their BATNA (best alternative to a negotiated agreement), their TP (target point), their AP (aspiration point) and their RP (reservation point). Participants will also work through the four steps of getting to yes.

Step one is to separate the person from the problem (dealing with emotions, using rational judgement). Step two will focus on interests, not positions (don’t get stuck by defending your position). Step three investigates options for mutual gain (what can you give away at low-cost but high value to the other party). Step four is insisting on using objective criteria (avoiding dirty tactics and the use of subjective criteria).

Participants will also learn the difference between two-way and three-way negotiations. The majority of the learning will be delivered through practical exercises and case studies. Participants will conduct a number of negotiations to apply the tools and techniques. After each exercise participants will be fully debriefed.

Course Content:

  • Understanding negotiations
  • The process for negotiations
  • The 4 steps of getting to YES
  • Dealing with dirty tactics, cultures and people
  • Overcoming barriers, Dealing with challenges, 3-way negotiations

At the end of this course you will:

  • Appreciate the concept of negotiations
  • Understand the process for negotiations
  • Be able to apply a proven four step model for getting to yes
  • Effectively prepare for negotiations
  • Be able to conduct negotiations across a wide range of situations
  • Review and negotiation and identify key learnings
  • Apply techniques for dealing with dirty tactics
  • Understand how culture can impact on the negotiation process
  • Be adept at negotiating two-way and three-way negotiations
  • Apply a range of proven techniques to maximise the negotiation process

Who should attend?

  • Sales executives who want to make their negotiations more effective and sharpen their deal making skills in competitive times
  • Managers who find themselves negotiating internally and externally as a daily reality
  • Senior and middle management who wish to optimise their negotiation skills and commercial deal making
  • SME's and business owners who have a heightened commercial focus
  • Buyers and procurement specialists who want to be adept at negotiation strategies and tactics
  • All leaders who want to develop the skill of negotiating on more than just price
  • Industrial relations personnel HR managers, Legal professionals, Commercial and Industrial negotiators